Ta'lim - Part XII


Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahi Anh (ra) says; Abu Talhah owned the best gardens in Madinah, and they were more numerous than those of any other Ansari. One of his gardens was known by the name of Bir Ha, and this was his most favourite resort. It was close to the Prophet’s saw (peace be upon him) Masjid and the water of its well was sweet and abundant. The Prophet saw (peace be upon him) often visited that garden, and drank of the water. When Allah swt revealed the verse,
“You will not attain unto piety until you spend of that which Ye love (chapter 3:92”
Hadhrat Abu Talhah ra repaired to the Prophet’s presence and thus opened his heart.
“O Prophet of Allah! I love Bir Ha very much. As Allah swt wants us to spend precisely that which we love, I make over that garden to be spent in the path of Allah swt as you please.”
Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) was very much pleased, and remarked:
“What a fine present (to Allah)! I think it would be best utilized if you distribute it among your own heirs.”
Hadhrat Abu Talhah ra went and acted upon the Prophet’s advice.
Are we prepared to part with any of our dear things for the sake of Allah so quickly, after reading a verse of the Qur’an or listening to a well-delivered sermon?
Even when we wish to make a charitable endowment, usually we do it only for our death-beds or else when we are so displeased with some relatives that we decide to disinherit them. But, when an occasion of public spending like marriage comes round, we are eager to win popularity even if we have to take loan on interest.


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