ZS21: The Foot Print of Prophet Muhammad saw

Around 17:25 hours, we moved out from the Umawi Saghir Masjid through the west door which lead us to the Souk Hamidi Saghir or small Souk Hamidiyah. Our next visit however, was Masjid Karimiyah, about 15 minutes (or less) walking distant from Umawi Saghir Masjid. Part of the walk was squeezing through the narrow alley of the Souk. By the way, if you have noticed that, the pulprit or mimbar in the above photo has no staircase for the Imam!
In this masjid, we had an opportunity to see closely what is claimed to be a foot print of Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him). The footprint casted on the yellowish sandstone is framed nicely in front of the Masjid. Water is piped in from the Fijeh spring flowing through to the foot print for visitors to drink and to gain Baraqah, according to the local. The authority also provides plastic bottle for anyone to bring it back. We took two bottles and it was free of charge! Nevertheless, we gave them certain amount as donation.
The foot print was actually from the south and was brought to this Masjid Karimiyah (in the North) to preserve and for people to see it, as an item that will remind us about the life of the Great Messenger of Allah swt, Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him). Allahu hu Alam – Allah knows best. We left the Masjid at 18:10 hours with mixed feeling. Satisfied for the opportunity that we had and sad, because we were still very 'far' away from the work of not even the Companion of the Great Messenger of Allah swt.