ZS13:AK8 Muawiyyah & Ahlul Bayt ra

In the above photo, is the tomb of Muawiyyah I and other Ahlul Bayt; Abdel Malik bin Marwan ra, Al Walid bin Abdel Malik ra, Fudhalah bin Ubaidullah ra, Suhail bin Hanzalah ra, Aus as Saqafi ra, and Wallah bin Asqa ra. We could not enter the shrine as it was fenced and locked to avoid any contempt and insolence behavior by other sects. Al-Fatihah.


melowdibintang said...

Laknatullah alal Iblis illa yawmil qiyamah !!!!

Allâhummal’an awwala zhâlimin zhalama haqqa Muhammadin wa âli Muhammad, wa âkhira tâbi’in lahû ‘alâ dzâlik. Allâhummal’anil ‘ishâbatal latî jâhadatil Husayn (‘alayhis salâm) wa syâya’at wa bâya’at wa tâba’at ‘alâ qatlih. Allâhummal’anhum jamî’â.

Allâhumma khushsh Anta awwala zhâlimin billa’ni minnî, wabda’ bihi awwalan tsummal’anits tsânî wats-tsâlitsa war-râbi’a. Allâhummal’an Yazîda khâmisan, wal’an ‘Ubaydallâhibna Ziyâdin wabna Marjânah wa ‘Umarabna Sa’din wa Syimran wa âla Abi Sufyân wa âla Marwân ilâ yawmil qiyâmah.

Unknown said...

These are the ahlul bayt of Abu Sufyan not Ahlul Bayt of Rasulullah ﷺ‎ , they are the murderers of many Ahlul Bayt of Rasulullah ﷺ‎ , we ahlussunnah preferred Ahlul Bayt of Rasulullah ﷺ over the ahlul bayt of Abu Sufyan.