Ta'lim : Part XVI


Hadrat Asma Radiyallahu Anha (rha) had a very large heart for spending in the path of Allah swt. In the beginning, she used to spend carefully with measure and weight. Once the Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) said to her, “ O Asma, do not put by and be calculating; spend in the path of Allah swt liberally.” After this, she started spending most generously. She would advise her daughters and housemaids: “Don’t wait for any surplus or excess of requirements before spending in the path of Allah swt. As the requirements go o increasing in the chances of having something, excess will become more and more remote, and the time for spending in the path of Allah swt will never come. Remember that you will not lose by spending in charity.”
Although these people were poor and lived hand to mouth, yet there were liberal in spending and generous of heart. The Muslim today complains of their poverty, but they will be hardly any group of people among them who are so poor and needy as the Sahabah used to be. We have already read how they had to go without food for several days together, and how some of them had to keep stones tied to their bellies to relieve their pangs of hunger.