She Turns NINE


Zillion of thanks to Zainal, Din, Muaz, Pai, Johanes, Hanif, YB, Zul, Aton, Amira, Zana, Ifa, Saadah, Dila, Bayti, Baini, Intan, Aklina, Humairah, Athirah, Munirah, Nas, Che Ah, Hana, Fikri, Lokman, Azrul, Shami, Azmi, ASI, Dorin, and Sabrina (not able to come because having her examination) for cheering Afiqah during her 9th birthday’s anniversary. Most of them came earlier lending their hands and creativity, prepared the foods – chicken rice, roasted chicken, coleslaw, beef curry, salads, and desserts.
The above cake was prepared by Aton, Kelantanis who speaks fluent English, Arabic and fair Sarawakian language. She spent half of her night to make this Afiqah’s birthday chocolate cake. It was indeed, nice. Awesome!
Humairah, Nas and Hana prepared the roasted chicken for the Alexandria chicken rice (photo above). Five big sizes of chickens were marinated with their secret recipe (actually, I did not ask them) for few hours and roasted for 15 minutes with 200 degrees centigrade in our oven. Its scrumptiousness, invited us to finish it all. At 22:00 hours, all gone!!
Pai, a genius, smart and decent fourth year student brought the above cake and a box of chocolate goodies for Afiqah and all of us. He looks like nerd, but he is not. I like his decent, witty but matured character. One would be easily cheered and inspired by his words and wisdom.
These set of chicken, beef and ‘sambal Jawa’ or Javanese shrimp paste (I think), were prepared by none other than Dilla, Aton, and assisted by her 4th year friends. The ‘sambal Jawa’ was really the appetizer. As for me, despite high level of Uric acid flowing in my blood stream, I walloped the beef curry as if there will be no tomorrow anymore.
As always mentioned, we do not celebrate birthday. But, what actually behind it was, these smart genius doctors to be missed Nana and the kids so much. The last time they visited us was during the last Raya Open House back in October 2009. Besides that, it was part of their stress reliever before their coming semester’s exam.
Happy birthday to Afiqah. May Allah swt be always with you with all His Blessings, Grace and Mercy. And, to all her brothers and all her Medic brothers and sisters, wish you all the best for whatever the good things that you want to achieve. Our jobs are to make and put our best-concerted efforts together sincerely for Allah Rabbul Jalil as shown by His beloved Messenger Prophet Muhammad saw. And, let the results be with Allah swt. He knows better what is good for us.