Ta'lim : Part XXI


The night of al Qadar.
Everybody knows Umar bin Abdul Aziz Rahmatullah alaih (rah). After the four Khalifah ur Rashideen he is the most eminent Khalifah. His wife says, “there may be other people more particular about wudhu and solat; but I have never seen anybody fearing Allah more than my husband. After his daily Isha, he would sit at a place reserved for his solat and raise his hands in supplication and keep crying before Allah till sleep overpowered him. Whenever he woke during the night, he would again start praying and crying before Allah swt.”
It is said that since his becoming Khalifah he never shared the bed with his wife. His wife was the daughter of the great King Abdul Malik. Her father had given he much jewellery in dowry, which included a marvelous diamond. He said to his wife, “Either part with all your jewellery for the sake of Allah swt, so that I may deposit it in the Baituk Maal or be separated from me. I would not like to live in a house where there is so much wealth.” His wife replied, “I can part with a thousand times more wealth, but I cannot leave you.” She then deposited everything she had in the Baitul Maal. After the death of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, when Yazeed son of Abdul Malik succeeded him as Khalifa, he said to his sister, “If you like you may have your jewellery back from the Baitul Maal. She replied, “How can the wealth I discarded during my husband’s lifetime, satisfy me after his death.” Umar bin Abdul Aziz was on his death-bed when he inquired from the persons round him about the cause of his disease. Someone said, “people think it is the effect of black magic.” He said. “No, it is not magic.” He then sent for a particylar slave of his and said to him, “What made you poison me?” He replied, “One hundred dinars and a promise of liberty.” Umar bin Abdul Aziz rah took those dinars from the slave and deposited them in the Baitul Maal, and advised him to run away to some distant place where he could not be seized.Just before his death, Muslimah rah came to him and said, “Nobody has ever treated his children as you are doing. None of your thirteen sons has anything to live on.” He sat up in his bed and said, “I have not held back from my sons what they were entitled to. I have, of course, refused them what was actually due to others. If my sons are righteous, then Allah swt will surely be their guardian as He has said in His Book: “He is the guardian of the righteous (VII:196)”, but if they are wrong-doers, then why should I care for them?”