Ta'lim - Part XI


None can deny the proverbial valor, courage, and strength of ‘Umar radiallah hu ‘an (ra), over whose mention, even after the lapse of 1400 years, hearts are struck with awe and respect. Islam could not be professed and preached openly before ‘Umar’s coming into its fold. As soon as he embraced Islam, the Muslims started saying Salat in the Haram, as none could dare harm them with ‘Umar ra on their side. Notwithstanding all this, he could not bear the shock of the Prophet passing away. So much so that he stood with sword in his hand, utterly confused and bewildered, saying:
“I shall behead the person who says that the Prophet saw has passed away. The Prophet Muhammad saw has only gone to visit his Lord the Almighty Allah, just as Musa as had gone to Thur. He will shortly return and cut off the hands and feet of those who were spreading the false news of his death”
On the other hand, ‘Usman ra was stunned with grief on this event. He could not utter a single word, even till the next day, and walked about as if bereft of speech. Ali ra, too, was in terrible grief. He was still and motionless. Only Abu Bakar ra for all his love of the Prophet saw, stood firm as rock against this terrible storm of grief and did not lose his mental composure. He calmly entered the Prophet Muhammad saw’s house, kissed his forehead and came back to the people. He called ‘Umar ra to sit down and began to address the people. He said:
“Whoso worshipped Muhammad saw, let him know that Muhammad is no more, and whoso worshipped Allah swt should know that Allah swt is Everliving and Eternal. He then recited the following verse of the Qur’an:
“Muhammad is but a messenger; messengers, the like of those who have passed away before him. Will it be that when he dies or is slain, Ye will turn back on your heels. He who turneth back doth not hurt Allah, and Allah will reward those who recognize the Truth” (III: 144)

As Abu Bakar ra was destined to be Khalifah after the Prophet Muhammad saw, it is significant that, unlike other Companions, he behaved with the composure and patience that were needed on an occasion like this. Again, it was Abu Bakar ra alone who knew better than anybody else about the regulations regarding the burial, inheritance, etc. of the Prophet Muhammad saw. When difference of opinion arose among the Companion whether the burial place of the prophet Muhammad saw be at Makkah or Madinah or Jerusalem, it was Abu Bakar ra who settled the difference by saying on the authority of the Prophet saw that the Prophets are buried where they have died. There were several other hadith known only to Abu Bakar ra that helped solve many of the other problems arising out of the death of the Prophet Muhammad saw. Some of these hadith were:
Prophets have no heirs. All that a Prophet leaves behind is Sadaqah”
“Allah’s curse is on the Amir who does not take proper interest and exercise proper care in the appointment of his duties.”
“The state affairs shall remain in the custody of Qureysh.”