Eid Invitation : M Rosdi Chapter


After performing Aidil Adha Prayer at Mostafa Kamal Masjid, Kafr Abdou, five big size sheep were slaughtered or in a real term sacrificed in front of the Masjid. This resembled the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim a.s. with his son Prophet Ismail a.s. thousands years ago. Alhamdullillah, this year we were blessed by the Almighty Allah swt to sacrifice one cow, which will be done tomorrow the second day of the day of Tashreek.
At 9:20 hours, we went to Cairo visiting our friend. We had a pit stop at Dandy’s Mall performing our Friday prayer and had a light lunch at the food court. The Khatib briefly delivered the importance and significance of the Aidil Adha with a very expressive impactful style, at least to me who managed to swallowed 40% of it.
We arrived at Muhammad Rosdi’s residence at road 79, building 47 Maadi at around 14:40 hours. Standing in front of his spacious apartment with his light green Malay traditional dress coupled up with his sincere gesture, Muhammad Rosdi was authentically giving us his warmth welcome. We were served with scrumptious Ganu style cooked rice called ‘Nasi Mandi’ akin to the Middle East rice; traditional Malay biscuit; mini curry puff; locally made pudding, etc. The killer dish was the lemon grilled-baked chicken.
We would like to record our sincere heartfelt thanks to Muhammad Rosdi and family for nice reception. May Allah swt grant you His Grace and Mercy. Safe trip to Turkey.