The tomb of ‘Abd Allah bin Umar Ibn Khatab radiyallah hu anhu (ra) is inside the Masjid Khalid Ibn Walid ra at Hums. It was exactly on the left side immediately after you enter the Masjid from North entrance. Honestly, I did not expect to visit his tomb not until Amir informed me. ‘Abd Allah bin Umar was the son of one of the Caliphs Saidina Umar Ibn Khattab ra. He was a prominent authority in hadth and law, and was known for his neutrality toward factions engaged in the first civil war within the Muslim community. It was recorded from Salim ibn ‘Abd Allah ra, from his father, that Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) said to his father, "’Abd Allah would be a good man if he would pray the tahajjud prayers (late night prayers)." Salim said: "After that, 'Abd Allah would not sleep during the night save for a small amount at a time."’ Abd Allah was 18 at the end of Prophet Muhammad saw's (peace be upon him) life in 632.
I recited Al Fatihah and took few shots.
There's another tomb with the same name in Makkah. Please advise
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