Simple but Scrumptious


Amid the cold weather with the average ambience temperature of 12 degrees centigrade, I was very depressed and disheartened with the biased CNN news, which reduced our appetite. Hence, our lunch menu today is baked-grilled Chicken wings (marinated with blended chili, garlic & red onion, mixed with flour, mayonnaises, turmeric powder, sugar and coriander seeds) and Lala – local mussels cooked (semi-fried) with lemon grass, chili, garlic, and daun limau purut or Kaffir Lime aka Kieffer lime i To balance up the diet, we moderately fried the big onion with broccoli. Simple though, but the menu is relatively too rich for our suffering Palestinians brothers and sisters at the war zone Gaza.
i Limau Purut or Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix), also known as, kieffer lime is a type of lime native to Indonesia and Malaysia, commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine, and widely grown worldwide as a backyard shrub.The kaffir lime is a rough, bumpy green fruit that grows on very thorny bush with aromatic and distinctively hourglass-shaped "double" leaves. It is well suited to container growing. Its bumpy exterior and its small size (approx. 4 cm wide) distinguish the green lime fruit.The Oxford Companion to Food did not recommend using the name kaffir lime in favor of makrud lime because kaffir is an offensive term in some cultures, and has no clear reason for being attached to this plant. (For this reason, some South Africans refer to the fruit as K-lime.) However, kaffir lime appears to be much more common.
Last but not least, zillion of thanks to my beloved wife, Nana, for her creativity and efforts. Love you forever.