Whatever Else Happened to the Egyptians?


I took this book because the story has some similiraties with the Malaysian stories – the politics, the economy and the Malaysian people at large. The only different is the period and time of the history been created, also where it took place by different set of people. I have just covered chapter 3 (out of 15 chapters) that is 20% of the book.
In the nutshell, the author Galal Amin a Professor of Economics at the American University in Cairo try to explain the fundamental transformation, that is, from the revolution to the age of the globalization of the Egyptians over the last fifty years. The gist of the book is about the effect of its population size, or, rather the growth in absolute term of the influential or effective part of the population Vis a Vis the socio economic structure, which has the adverse effect to the economy, politics, and life style.