'Boutique' accomodation at the White Desert


Life …….. is simple. Surrounded by the white rock structures, comforted by the soft golden sand, lighten up by millions of bright stars, and ceiling made of clear sky, this was the place that we spent the night – our first ever lifetime experience. Couple of time I was awakens by the whistling wind accompanied by very mild sand storm that scared us a little bit.
Back to basic to learn to appreciate what God has given us. The experience reminded me of many stories about the abstinence and humble life of the great Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) and his Companions radiallah hu ajmain. One of the stories that I remembered well, was when one day Saidina Umar ra heard a rumour that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had divorced his wives got afloat among the Companions. He thus, went to the Prophet saw (peace be upon him) house but was kind of denied entrance not until the third time. He greeted him with Assalammualaikum and inquired: “have you divorced your wives, O, Prophet of Allah?” Umar ra was relieved when the Prophet saw (peace be upon him) replied him “No”……… he says: I noticed that the contents of his room consisted of only three pieces of tanned skin and a handful of barely lying in the corner. I looked about, but failed to find anything else. I began to weep. Rasullullah saw (peace be upon him); “why are you weeping?” I replied: ‘O, Prophet of Allah! Why should I not weep? I can see the mat’s pattern imprinted on your body, and I am beholding all that you have got in this room. O, Prophet of Allah! Pray that Allah may grant ample provisions for us. The Persians and the Romans who have no true faith and who worship not Allah but their kings-Caesar and Chosroes – presently live in gardens with streams running in their midst, but the chosen Prophet and the accepted slave of Allah does live in such a dire poverty!” The Prophet saw (peace be upon him); ‘O, Umar! Are you still in doubt about this matter? Ease and comfort in the Hereafter are much better than what you have in this world. The unbelievers are enjoying their share of the good things in this very world, whereas we have all such things in store for us later. I implored him: ‘O, Prophet of Allah! Ask forgiveness for me. I was really in the wrong”
This valuable experience - back to basic to learn to appreciate what Allah swt has given us. Thus, to focus on what we have and not what is missing.