His Second Exhibition


Muhammad Afiq, like his brother ‘Afi, is very creative and smart. His philosophical character made him very conversant and able to convey his idea inspiringly and convincingly. His cognizant in art has great potential and I am very optimistic that one day he could be one of the successful, at least Malaysian trailblazers of his own innovative ‘invention’.
One of his art exhibits – the Color Fortune, produced using acrylic and technical pen, is the illustration of his knowledge on color tone mixing and blending. Honestly, I am not sure what the theme is.
One of his art piece that was exhibited at the Russian aRt Exhibition 2009, Alexandria. This art piece is one of Mr. Hindley's favorites. Thanks to the BSA for giving the kids opportunities in exposing their talents.
In this second attempt, his masterpiece – “MeRe” with a theme I, Me and Mine had recently convinced and impressed the IGCSE Art Moderator from the UK. “I, Me and Mine’ is about the circle of one's life in his endeavor to achieve the successful life thereafter. What goes around comes around!.
The Artist with some of his exhibits, smiling satisfactorily and confident. On the left, is one of his sculptures, one of my favorite – the Enviro-Warrior.
Last and always, praise only to Allah azza wajala for giving us this beautiful life, the transitory world, for us to prepare ourselves before the next phase of our journey.