Age Is Just Number


Kullu sana wa enti tayeeb! Tahniah..! Congratulations!.......alhamdullilah, this date – 9 June, your birthday. There are no other priceless gifts (that I could find in this world), than my sincere love for your birthday. On your birthday, let us put our hands together supplicating before Allah azza wa jala for His Blessings – Baraqah and Rahmah.
One for remembrance: group photo with the 3rd year Medical Students, our ‘adopted’ kids cum permanent member of Alex Event Organizer – Zainal; Zul; Faizal aka Pai; Muaz; Din and Atef.
Friend and another group of our adopted kids, the first year Medical Students and Al-Azhar student: Athirah; Munirah; Dorin (friend); Alang (Azhar U); Sabrina; Humaira and Nasihah. They are very cheerful, jovial, happy-go-lucky dude, but friendly, and polite.
Thank you very much for making the evening tea and Nana’s day a very memorable event. The birthday gifts from the Kids and Kamarul's family. May Allah swt give you all His blessings.
The menu of the day: Fried hot Bee Hoon noodles; Fried Adief Basmati Rice with shrimp paste; Modified Carefour Egypt Grilled chicken; Spicy Sweet Beef cubes; Shrimp dumpling, and desserts – local fruits and pumpkin pie.