The Colors of Life


Someone came to me and said, “wow…great pictures!”…yes, indeed there are great pictures that I captured around Alexandria during this Spring 2009. The short episode brings me to another subject, which I called the challenge. Well, let us challenge ourselves, provoke our thinking, and be open about it. Let us first start with one fundamental question: who creates the colors of that great pictures; who mixes and blends the colors before the flowers flourish into beautiful subject that attracts others, which decorates the environment; who creates the sweet natural scent that boost one’s vibe?
Leading to it, the point that I try to make is, we need to utilize our brain appropriately and wisely. Wise enough to drive our actions to the right path that will lead us to the right destination.
We says the pyramids are great structure on earth, without realizing that our both eyes are much more miraculously amazing than the pyramids or other so-called great structures in this world. We spent hours in the meeting room deliberating anything that we though will benefits us, but reluctant and hesitantly spare ten minutes of our time praying supplicating before Allah swt inside His ‘house’ – the Mosque. When we are on the road, 30 minutes stop for a cup of coffee at the Rest & Revive restaurant is some sort of obligatory thing to do as compared to spending 5 minutes stop at any Mosque performing prayer in-group. We talk proudly about the good and the bad things about anything – the BMW, Mercedes, Nikon, Mont Blanc, Conoco Philips, Timberland, Polo, Starbucks, …etc., anything! But, indolently and sluggishly boost our interest to improve our knowledge about the return that we will gain if we perform our 5 times obligatory prayer in group in the Mosque promptly; the benefits of investing our wealth in building the poor and the community in general; the blessing that Allah promised if we spend our time for Him in helping others, etc.
This reminds me about one saying by the great Messenger of Allah swt, Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him), he said, “A wise man is, a man who always remember the dead”.

Ask ourselves; where are we heading to? What is our destination? Have we made enough and necessary preparations for the long, winding, and bumpy journey? Are we ready?
In the nutshell, we should think and act wisely before making any judgmental conclusion that will derail and divert us away from the right track.