The Trip Summary


The nineteen and half (19.5) hours on the road; eight and half (8.5) hours exploring the Almighty Allah Rabbul Jalil’s creation and the Egyptian treasures and spent USD 150 for the accommodation, USD 120 for the foods & beverages and USD 95 for others, had added very valuable experiences and knowledge to our life. Alhamdullillah, the trip was smooth as planed with no unwanted circumstances occurred and we were all blessed by Allah swt with good health. Million of thanks to Allah Azza Wa Jala. The experiences that 7 of us: Nana, 'Afi, Muhammad Afiq, Muhammad Asri, Muhammad Aiman, Afiqah and I gained and the knowledge that we learnt had surely make us a new better persons, InsyaAllah. The journey continues....