Ta'lim : Part XXIV


Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A. reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said: "Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of pleasing Allah and therein utters no word of evil, nor commits any evil deed, shall remain from it as free from sin as the day on which his mother gave Birth to him.'When a child I ushered into this world, he enters this life without any blemish and is free from any sins. Now, when the Hajj has been performed with utmost sincerity for Allah's sake, the pilgrim returns to that sinless state. It will be remembered from our booklet "Virtues of Salaat" that when we hear of forgiveness of sins as in the Hadith mentioned above, we actually refer to minor sins. However, the contents of this Hadith have been noted in such numerous Ahadith that some learned ulama are of the opinion that minor as well as major sins are included in this pardon from Allah.In this Hadith under discussion, three things are mentioned. In the first place we read that Hajj should be for Allah's motive prompting this holy deed, neither should it be for the show of things, nor for personal fame. Many people proceed to Mecca for the sake of personal honor and show. Such people have indeed wasted whatever they have spent by way of wealth, health and energy. For them there shall be no reward. We admit that when a person has performed his Hajj even for the sake of showing others, his obligation has been carried out. But how foolish indeed is it not that a person should deny himself such great virtue and reward (in the form of Allah's great pardon) merely because of his desire to be noted among some people.Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) once said: "Near the time of Qiyamah the rich ones from amongst my Ummah will perform Hajj for the sake of travel and holidays; (Like having a holiday in Hejaz instead of one in London or Paris). The middle class will perform Hajj for commercial purposes, thereby transporting goods from here to there while bringing commercial goods from there to here; the ulama will perform Hajj for the sake of show and fame; (To outdo and surpass Maulana so and so, or any rival Sheikh who had performed five Hajj). The poor will perform Hajj for the purposes of begging." (Kanzul Aamaal) Rasullulah Sallallahhu alaihi wasallam (saw), peace be upon him said, “The contrast between a person who glorifies Almighty Allah and one who does not remember Him is like that between the living and the dead.”
Life is dear to all and every one fears death. The Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (Peace be Upon Him) meant to say that one who does not remember Allah, though bodily alive, is spiritually dead and his life is but worthless.