Adventuring Amman Night Life


We arrived at our hotel around 18:20 hours. Hunger struck us all, which dragged us to the Annur Al Qudus Restaurant. We had a good rich dinner, thus motivated us to enhance the body metabolism by brisk walking exploring the downtown at night. The weather was nice – around 16 degrees Centigrade. There were less traffic and people at night though it was still early. We went to few souvenir shops selling Jordanian handicraft, mementos, etc. As usual, Nana maneuvered her route to scarf and women accessories lots and I went to rows of Money Changers, which were still opened. The kids were enjoying the atmosphere and the crowd. Alhamdullillah, they were excellent!
To me the trip was a good exposure for them to learn and experience what life is. Nothing comes easy in life and this temporary short span of time granted by the Almighty Allah swt is for us to build our “Iman” - faith that will bring us real success of our journey.
The trip was also an opportunity for us to enhance our team-family work, building our trust, and improve our gaps. Like I said earlier, the main intention of this trip was for us to learn, seeking knowledge and experiencing the Greatness of Allah swt.
We walked to the Nymphaeum – the Roman Public fountain (2nd Century AD) and right in front of it were rows of fruit vendors offering us varieties of reasonably cheap winter fruits.
That’s it, around 21:30 hours we called it a day. We retired around 22:00 hours to recover our energy for our Day 2 Agenda – trip to Petra.