Ta'lim : Part XXIX


“Hadhrat Huzaifah Radhiyallahu anhu (ra) says that, whenever the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam (saw) – peace be upon him (pbuh) happened to face any difficulty, he would at once resort to solat.”
Solat is a great blessings of Allah swt. To resort to solat at the time of worry is to hasten towards His Mercy, and when Allah swt’s Mercy comes to rescue, there can remain no trace of any worry. There are many traditions concerning this practice of the Prophet Muhammad saw (pbuh). Similar was the practrice of his companions, who followed him in the minutest detail. Abu Darda ra says:”Whenever a strong wind blew, the Prophet Muhammad saw (pbuh) would immediately enter the Masjid and would not leave untul the wind had subsided. Similarly, at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, Prophet Muhammad saw (pbuh) would at once start offering solat. Suhaib ra was informed by the Prophet saw (pbuh) that all the precious Apostles of Allah swt also used to resort to solat in all adversities.
Ibn Abbas ra was once on journey. On his way he got the news of the death of his son. He got down from his camel and offered two rakaat of solat, praying in Tashahhud for a long time. He then recited ‘Inna lillaahi wa innaallaihi roaji oon’ and said, “I have done what Allah swt has ordered us to do in His Holy Book – al Quran ul Kareem.