Ta'lim : Part XXV


It has been reported by Nu’maan bin Basheer Radhiyallahu anhu (ra) that the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) said: “There are people who do not transgress the limits (laws) of Allah swt, and there are others who do so. They are like two groups who boarded a ship; one of them settled at upper deck, and the other, on the lower deck of the ship. So, when the people of the lower deck needed water, they said: “why should we cause trouble to the people of the upper deck when we can easily have plenty of water by making a hole in our deck.’ Now if the people of the upper deck do not prevent this group from such foolishness, all of them will perish – but if they stop them then they all will be saved.”

Once the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) asked him; “O Messenger of Allah! Can we people be destroyed even when there are certain pious God-fearing persons among us?” He answered; “Yes, when evil deeds predominate in a society.”
Nowadays the Muslims are generally anxious about the decline and fall of this Ummah, and they suggest certain plans to stop this decline, but they never consider as to what is the main cause of our decline. They fail to identify the true reason of our spiritual and moral decline, particularly when the proper remedy has been told by Allah swt and the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him).