Books Collection


‘Kaum-kaum Yang Pupus’ by Harun Yahya is about histories of the famous Prophets in Islam and the people during their reign, like Prophet Musa alaihissalam, Prophet Ibrahim alaihissalam, Prophet Lut alaihissalam, Prophet Nuh alaihissalam, Prophet Salleh alaihissalam and Prophet Sulaiman alaihissalam.
For RM 25, the book provides real life facts and scientific evidences to support the stories as well as graphic illustrations to describe the geography, etc.
Harun Yahya is actually a ‘Pen-name’ of Adnan Oktar who was born in Ankara, Turkey 53 years ago. In 1979, he pursued his study in Mimar Sinan University, which that time was under a strong influence of Marxism. Most of the academic staff and student were atheist and propagandizing materialism and Darwinism philosophy.
ART NOW : VOL 3 was bought by ‘Afi at the cost of RM 183 (from KinoKuniya) as a guide for him to sharpen his potentials in art, architecture and photography. As I read it now, a good architect must possess strong creativity, imagination, understanding of nature and environmental needs, as well as to be well versed with latest cutting edge ICT or in other word, ICT savvy. Above, he must have self-confident and be able to articulate his thoughts.