Dyg Nabilla & Gangs' Visit


Alhamdullilllah, once again, blessed by the almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’la, we received a group of medical students from Mansourah, staying with us in our small humble apartment for two nights. In Islam, any Muslim travelers have the rights to ask from their Muslim brothers or sisters any assistance within three days during their stay in the country or state their visit.
The five petite and polite girls, 1st year medical students – Dyg Nabilla, Nissa, Aqidah, Aishah, and Shafiqah arrived at 17:30 by train from Mansourah.
As usual, Nana voluntarily programmed the itinerary and brought them around Alexandria – the Montazah; Mandharah – Romansa Restaurant; the Bibliotica; Carefour, etc. during their three days stay. Albeit very demanding daily chores and the recovering of her rejuvenated face, she cooked them the scrumptious typical Malaysian cuisine, which they missed since six months ago.They were amazed and overwhelmed by what Alexandria had and gratified by Nana’s hospitality. See you again ladies and all the best for the coming examinations.