Ta'lim - Part I


Narrated by the Caliph Umar radhiallah hu ‘anh; “…………….I looked around his humble room. I saw 3 pieces of ritually cleaned animal skin/leather and a handful of barley at the corner. Otherwise, there was barely anything! The modest ambience shed tears from my eyes….. I cried. “Why are you crying?” asked the holy Prophet saw (peace be upon him). I replied”…I am sad to see the smudge on your body and the condition of your room. May Allah swt always give you His Blessings. The Persians and the Romanians live a lavish and wealthy life, whereas the Great Messenger of Allah Rabbul Jalil lives a very modest life….”

Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) lived a most simple, austere and modest life. He and his family used to go without meal several days at a time, relying only on dates, dried bread, and water. During the day was the busiest man, as he performed his duties in many roles all at once as head of state, chief justice, commander-in-chief, arbitrator, instructor, and family man. He was the most devoted man at night. He used to spend one to two thirds of every night in prayer and meditation. The Prophet’s possession consisted of mats, blankets, jugs, and other simple things even when he was the virtual ruler of Arabia. He left nothing to the inherited except a white mule – a gift from Mugawqis, few ammunition and a piece of land that he had made a gift during his life time. Among his last words were “We the community of the Prophets is not inherited. Whatever we leave is for charity”.