Time Flies


2 years ago, when the first time we touched the Pyramids of Giza. Wonder why people from around the globe came here for? There are many stories and theories about these Pyramids. However, up to date, none could proof their theories right with solid and concrete evidences or facts. One said, the Pyramids were built to provide employment and some said it was built by alien. Well, to me it just a solid rocks layered together to form a unique grave that signified power and influence. Some scientific fact proved that the architecture is a means to preserve human body from being bitten by time and nature. I think flies are much more amazing creature than the Pyramids. 1 day all of us will be demolished from this temporary world.
2 years had passed us by. Time flies. Now, we are in October 2008, our 3rd round of winter game that we are going to face. Thank you Kafr Abdou; for accomodating and accepting us here with no discrimination and biasness; for being so kind to us since we moved to you; for giving us experiences that had made us new us; for teaching us many significant lessons about life that we never learnt in the previous chapters of our journey. Our zillion of thanks to PETRONAS for providing us an avenue to experience working and living abroad which is a dream of many people back in Malaysia. On top of all, our heartiest thanks to the Al-Mighty Allah Rabbul Jalil for giving us all His Blessing, Nikmah, His Rahmah and Baraqah. Without Him, who are we?
Today, we had been here for 2 solid years. Alhamdullillah, Allah swt had given us good health, good environment and many infinite countless things. Alhamdullillah, we managed to adapt ourselves well with the culture, environment and the local foods. The hospitality shown and rendered by the Kafr Abdou people had touched us in many ways. With no experience living abroad before, Alhamdullillah, we manouvered the four seasons with less obstacles but enjoyment and lessons learnt.