On this memorable day of mine, 11.12.2008, allow me to elaborate further my perception and opinion about this noble profession called housewife: It is somehow or rather; implanted amongst many Malaysian amidst the modernization of the socio economy, always underestimated and categorized the non-working women as the second class ‘citizen’ in the society. To them ‘working, is defined as someone who earn their living by going to office employed by any organizations, consequently, got paid monthly. Thus, if you fall in this category or definition, you are considered a career high class woman!
Sometime you hear “ hey, she is not working….. a housewife” or “ you are much better than her, you have a better job in KL…” To me that kind of odd remark only came from a narrow minded person.
1] Managing and planning of daily Food and Beverages which includes; planning of the menu; budgeting; purchasing the raw materials, preparing and serving the meals and housekeeping.
2] Managing, counseling and tutoring children (for those who children) school activities which covers; ensuring their homework or assignment is properly completed, comforting them if they have problems, etc.
4] Social Director – Managing and planning of family social events like wedding reception, appointment with doctor, other receptions, etc.
1] Ibadah
2] Dakwah
3] Running own Business
4] Farming or Fishing
5] Working with someone
6] Begging
Looking at it religiously though, the job of homemaking or housewife is much better and much noble than being employed by someone. In other words to put it up, the roles of a Personal Assistant of a CEO in any big organizations or a Senior Manager of a big multinationals and a HOUSEWIFE are equally important. However, a housewife is much less expose to many unwanted affairs as compared to any women who work ‘outside’ the house. One simple example, a working woman sometime has to work odd hours in odd areas with men due to work requirement or in short, she has to comply and obey someone’s rules rather than her husband’s! As far as I’m concerned, this is not a healthy phenomenon. One of the articles that I read published by yahoo.com, it says, 40% of broken marriage was caused by working women. Think about it.
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