ALHAMDULLILLAH, Praise Only to Allah Azza Wajalla, this is our third year celebrating one of the most significant events in the Muslim Hijr Calendar, the Eidhul Adha in Egypt and the second time we celebrated the occasion with the Al-Azhar students at El Haiyu ElAshar, Qahirah, especially the Sarawakian at the ‘Rumah Kenyalang’ aka Rumah Sarawak (RS)
The RS were very delighted and proud this year that they successfully arranged a big Camel for the ‘Sacrifice’ of ELNG Secondees – Adnan Zainal Abidin; Kamarul Tajul Arifin; Yusmadi Yusof; Ahmad Zaidi Hatta; Zahrul Ali and me. On behalf of RS, I would like to record our heartiest and sincere thanks to all of them. Other than the big size camel, 2 local goats and 1 sheep were slaughtered. May Allah swt give His blessing to all of us and may our Sacrifices be accepted by Him.
Early in the morning, 30 minutes after the sunrise, we performed our Eidul Adha Prayer at As Salam mosque at El-Haiyu El Ashar. The mosque is too small to cater for the big congregation.

The Malaysian Embassy organized the Eidul Adha Prayer at the open area of the Malaysian students’s complex at El Haiyu El Ashara. His Excellency, TYT Datuk Zainal himself recited the sermon and among others, he advised the congregation to work hard, show good leadership examples to others for Allah swt. ‘Afi, Muhammad Afiq and Muhammad Asri joined them as the prayer commenced a little bit later. This year, amid the hazy economic weather, the complex successfully managed 8 Camels; 13 Cows and about 50 goats & sheep for the big feats – the sacrifices. Allah hu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, WalillahhilHamdu.

The RS crew – the future leaders - after the Eidul Adha. May Allah’s Blessing be always with them, make them the better persons that will lead others to the right path and pass their examinations with flying colors.

Yunus, Ahmad Zaidi, Saiful, Yusmadi, Zahrul and Kamarul spent their times with the RS crew to give moral support and to witness their
Dahiyah – the sacrifices. Unfortunately, Ahmad Sharifuddin and Adnan Datuk Zainal Abidin who also particpated in the sacrifice were not able to join the big feast.
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