Sacrification - the Preparation for life thereafter


Eidul Adha or Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji is celebrated by all Muslims around the globe on the 10th of Dzulhijjah Hijr of the Muslim calendar or a day before Wukuf – literally means stand still – the day of resurrection of any individual Muslim performing Hajj in the Holy land of Arafah; the starting point of the Hajj and the climax of Muslims’ life in this temporary world. During these 3 days of Tashrik, Muslims were encouraged to make sacrifice as what had been asked to Prophet Ibrahim as by Allah swt more than 2000 years ago. This story was recorded in the Al-Quran for us to read, ponder and to most extend, practice.

We celebrated this year Eidul Adha at Rumah Sarawak, El-Haiyu El Ashar, Cairo with all the Sarawakian and other ElAzhar students. Alhamdullillah, we sacrificed two Egyptian Khibashs; Rumah Sarawak’s neighbor received 2 camels from the Sultan of Pahang and Rumah Kedah was the grand with 3 local cows and 4 Egyptian Khibashs. Sincere efforts and team spirit rendered and demonstrated by all the students and the officials had made all the sacrifices smooth and successful. By 12:30 pm we had our lunch of Kedah cuisine prepared mainly by the Rumah Kedah team.

To cut the long story short, the lessons that we learnt from the Eidul Adha are, there is no short cut in life. We have to work hard to achieve our dream - to make it come through for Allah swt.