Ta'lim : Part XXVIII


It has been reported by Ibn Mas’ood Raghiyallaho anhu (ra) that the Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihi wassalam (saw) peace be upon him (PBUH) said: “The decline and fall of Bani Israil started thus: when the pious among them saw certain sins being committed by the transgressors, they forbade them from doing the same; but when the sinners did not repent, the pious because of their relationship and friendship continued to mix with them. So, when this state of affairs began to prevail, Allah swt caused their hearts to be accursed in the same manner.” (i.e. the hearts were also affected with the disobedience of the transgressors). Then is support of this, the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (PBUH) recited a verse of the Holy Qu’ran, which says: ‘The disobedient and the transgressors among the Bani Israil were accursed by Allah swt.’ On this, the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (PBUH) emphatically instructed his Companions:”(To avoid such decline) you people must enjoin upon others to do good deeds and prevent them from doing forbidden things: you should restrain every tyrant from tyranny and invite him towards truth and justice.”Another hadith says that the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw (PBUH) was reclining comfortably when suddenly overcome with emotion, he sat up and said: “I swear by Allah swt that you people cannot attain salvation, unless you prevent the tyrants from tyranny.”