...Energy Return, Aspiring Others Everywhere

Some noble thingy that I oblige to share.
If you have heard about Grameen Bank, than you must know Professor Dr Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist from Chittagong who had received more than 20 awards & Noble prizes. I had shared his brief biography and his noble efforts in early release.
Well, that was just the mere introduction but the gist of this release is about the story of my two friends Ahmad Zaidi and Redza Shamsuddin who spent their weekend doing some noble thing.
I was at this place called Dewan Malaysia Abbasiah or Malaysia Hall Abbasiyah last Friday. I met Yusuf the chief Chef who was busy with his catering things, entertaining his workers and customers. He was asked to cater foods & drinks for activities organized by the students and NGOs on that day. There were many activities going on and, one of it was the English class at the Tutorial Hall of this majestic building.
After we had our lunch, I went down to the Tutorial Hall and met eight eager self-motivated Malaysian el Azhar students who realized the importance of mastering English language to achieve their dreams. Their zealous determination has made me proud. The ‘teachers’ introduced me to all of them.
I greeted them, “Assalammualaikum”. One of the teacher reminded me that you have to converse in English during this class. Sure, it should! Thus, I obliged diligently. One of them read the English Article given by their ‘teacher’. “Do you understand what you had just read? Anything to clarify” asked the ‘teacher’ compassionately. “Excuse me ‘teacher’”, replied the student. “I don’t understand what the meaning of meticulous is?” His question touched my heart. Their passion and sincerity had put off their shyness. Both ‘teachers’ blissfully rationalized the meaning of the words and article to them.
And, let me introduce you again their so called teachers - Ahmad Zaidi Datuk Dr. Hatta and Redza Samsudin. A bit of history of this initiative. It was first mooted by the wife of Shell Egypt’s Chairman. Cik Putri volunteered to take up the initiative and her legacy was passed along to Badely and Afendy. Three of them had left Egypt a year ago. Our friend Ahmad Munir revived this initiative recently and got the assistance of Ahmad Zaidi, Redza and Yusmadi. They take turns facilitating the classes.
When I approached him Ahmad Zaidi informed us that, “Learning goes both ways.. the student learn a bit of public speaking/ English and we as facilitators learn a bit about the lives of these students. He continued, “Probably not many of us knew that during examinations here, the person monitoring the exams make some side business by selling shay and ahwa to the students. Who can imagine that, while taking the exams, we could order a cup of shay? Amazing !”
Well Kudos to A Munir, Yusmadi,, Badley, Afendy, Putri and the wife of Shell Egypt’s Chairman.

The morale of the story is, we have to spend our wealth, efforts and the time (to the path of Allah) with the people ‘on the streets’ to be closer to Allah Rabbul Jalil.
Rasullullah saw encouraged us to look at the ‘lower’ people for us to build our inner strength. The higher we climb, be it the highest mountain, the tallest tree, the tallest building or whatever, the more we rely on the lower people. The fact is that, after the long strenuous climb reaching the peak, you will have to look down at the people who had supported and helped you.
This reminded me about a blind mountaineer – Erik Weihenmeyer – the only blind person who ever had reached the top of the world – the 8840 meters lofty vantage point. When three of them were about to put-off their dream, one guy at the base camp called a weather-man motivated them through their satellite radio, pushing their morale with the weather report, etc.

No mountain is high when there is a will; when there is a will, there is a way.Energy Receive Energy Return, Aspiring Others Everywhere.