The ArrivalDay - our 3rd Anniversary


Akin to birthday, 28 October is our ArrivalDay to Egypt - our 4th autumn and probably the last in Egypt. October retained its name (from the Latin "octo" meaning "eight") after July and August, after Julius and Augustus Caesar respectively; when the calendar was originally created by the Romans. October is commonly associated with the season of autumn in the Northern hemisphere and spring in the Southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to April in the Northern hemisphere and vice versa.
October is also the harvesting month of the Egyptian Balaah or dates, perhaps our last time enjoying the beautiful scene of this dates’ farms.
This October is quite busy for many of us especially those involved in the planning activities – the business planning, training planning exercise, performance management planning and appraisal exercise, the budget things, and the spinning of the ‘Local Plus’ speculation, which made us jumping gratuitously.
Well, October will surely remind us about our stint in Egypt.