Federacion Consejo Islamico Valenciano


The conference closed it curtain at 13:45 hours. We changed our attire and decided to look for the Valencia Islamic Center for us to perform our Friday prayer. It is not compulsory for travelers like us though, but to me it is an opportunity for us building our networking amongst the Muslim wherever you go. We have spent hours looking for shopping complex and roaming around without specific goal. Thus, I do not see any reason why we should not spend at least the same hours looking for the ‘House’ of Allah azza wa jala and ‘iktikaf or staying inside it for Allah swt?
Mokhsen that we met yesterday at the Ankara restaurant informed us that there is big Mosque and Islamic Center within the place called Plaza de Xuquer. We took a taxi to search for the Mosque. With this famous saying: “No mountain is high when there is a will and when there is a will, there will be a way”, wandering around my head, I am very optimistic that the Almighty Allah swt will show us the way. As we were approaching the area, Allah Rabbul Jalil revealed us a clue through one Pakistani with his white grey beard, white turban, and white dress walking in front us when the taxi stopped at the traffic light. About seven minutes after that, the taxi driver who only know three English words dropped us at the Plaza de Xuquer. We run out of clue on where the Islamic Center was! Thus, we decided to go to the direction where the Pakistani guy went.After 3 minutes walking along the greenery pathway sandwiched by shops and restaurants (one of which is a piggy restaurant), we met three Indian-like men. I asked them about the Islamic Center. Alhamdullillah, the Almighty Allah had shown us another clue - a good English speaking Muslim from Lahore, Pakistan who was on the way to the Islamic Center to perform the Friday prayer. They invited us to join them and we went together to the Islamic Center / Mosque.
The Friday sermon was conveyed by a Moroccan Sheikh in standard Arabic and we joint the congregation when he was about to complete the first chapter of his sermon. There were about 500 people from various nationalities – Pakistani, Indonesian, Moroccan, Egyptian, Turkish, and quite significant number Spanish joint the congregation. The calmness and the soul of the Mosque, reminded me of the Moors, the Ottoman Empire and how the Muslim was expelled in the 15th century after they conquered about two third of the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th Century. Tears running out of eyes.
Fulfilling the five compulsory prayers in the Mosque is very essential and an obligatory to certain sect. Narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a., the Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) said: “I will ask the youth to collect fire woods and I will visit from one house to another and burn it if I find someone (man) without any justifications praying inside the house”. The lesson that one could learnt from the hadith is the importance of performing the compulsory prayers in the Mosque, which depicts the unity and oneness. One would gain sakeenah or peacefulness and serenity with full concentration during the prayers.
After the Friday prayer, we met few brothers and the Sheikh. They were very grateful with our presence and we were touched with their warmth hospitality. Around the Center, there were few brothers selling perfumes, miswak - a natural toothbrush made from the twigs of Salvadora Persica, also known as arak tree, recommended by the Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him) for the Muslim to use before prayer, some local vegetables, scarf, etc. Let us supplicate before Allah Rabbul Jalil to accept our good deeds for His blessing and hidayah especially to the people in Spain.