Life at Raml Station, Alex

| evening at Raml Station, Alexandria during winter 2006.
Last year, winter was relatively a little bit harsh than the previous. Sometime, the temperature dropped to 7 deg. C.!

The VIP's Call: Puan Seri Datin Seri Visit


Sitting next to the PETRONAS First Lady, Puan Seri Datin Seri Noraini a.k.a Puan Seri at the 6 stars Restaurant in Alexandria, Egypt is a dream of many women and indeed a chance of a lifetime. Nana and Afiqah the lucky ones ushered next to Puan Seri during the auspicious dinner. We, the only 4 PETRONAS families, based in the northern tip of Egypt, were very grateful when Puan Seri and her entourage spent 2 days and one night with us and hosted us with luscious Arabian cuisine. As a remembrance, Puan Seri happily gave her feminine post with us during the group photo at the end of the dinner. Thank you so much Puan Seri and please visit us again next year. Masalamah.

4 Bulan di Kafr Abdou


The junction of the Ismaliya street to Patrict's apartment at the edge of Kafr Abdou.
Ismaliya Street, Kafr Abdou, where our apartment located. The road is wide by narrowed by the cars. Well, no comments, that is the fact of life here in this beautiful land called Egypt.
Walaupun jauh berbeza dari Kemaman, Bintulu atau Miri, namun Kafr Abdou seperti kampung halaman sendiri. Orang nya walaupun berlainan kulit, berbeza bahasa, bercanggah budaya,...namun mereka peramah, ringan tangan, berbudi bahasa dan mesra kata. Alhamdullillah, selama 4 bulan mengharungi musim sejuk... kami sekeluarga bersyukur dilindungi Allah swt dari segala musibah, bencana dan wabak yang bahaya. Semoga Allah swt memberi kami kekuatan, mempertingkatkan Iman dan amal, membantu kami menjalankan kehidupan kami di bumi anbiya yang indah ini.