Our First Eidul Adha in Egypt


We ‘celebrated’ the Eidul Adha 1427 Hijr or December 2006 at Damietta and Port Said, Egypt. After the Eid Prayer, we departed Kafr Abdou at about 09:30 am. We reached Damietta which is one of the LNG districts of Egypt, at about 11:15 am. Damietta though is very isolated from other civilization which make him less attractive by investors and the Egyptians itself. The journey was an educative experience for all of us…as one of the famous Malay proverbs says: the further you travel, the more experiences you will gain and earn.
Alhamdullillah Salamah, we arrived at Port Sid town about 12:30 pm. We went straight to the Port area which situated at the mouth of the popular Suez Canal, which is the major source of income for Egypt. After spending about 2 hours along the Corniche exploring the history of the Suez canal which has nasty nickname – Marlborough Suez, we pampered our hungriness with Pizza & KFC, the only few restaurants that opened during the Eid. Most of the shops were closed. Port Said is small but well organized and planed town. It has beautiful mosques, buildings and people.

In Our Opinion : Tips about Dahiya - Sacrifice


ULAMA ahli sunnah wal jamaah telah menetapkan satu kaedah asas dalam menentukan sama ada amal ibadah kita diterima atau ditolak oleh Allah. Adalah penting bagi kita untuk benar-benar memahami kaedah asas ini agar kita tidak melakukan amalan yang sia-sia kerana ia tidak diterima oleh Allah. Kaedah yang dimaksudkan oleh penulis adalah amal ibadah tersebut hendaklah dikerjakan semata-mata ikhlas kerana Allah dan mengikuti (ittiba') sunnah Nabi SAW.
Firman Allah SWT: Dialah yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup (kamu) untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu, siapakah antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya dan Dia Maha Berkuasa (membalas amal kamu) lagi Maha Pengampun (bagi orang-orang yang bertaubat). (al-Mulk: 2).
Menurut Fudhail bin 'Iyaadh r.h: "Maksud amalan yang lebih baik ialah yang paling ikhlas dan paling benar. Mereka bertanya: Wahai Ali (nama gelaran untuk Fudhail bin 'Iyaadh)! Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan paling benar dan yang paling ikhlas? Jawab Fudhail bin 'Iyaadh: Sesungguhnya amal itu apabila dikerjakan dengan ikhlas tetapi tidak benar nescaya tidak akan diterima dan apabila amal itu dikerjakan dengan benar tetapi tidak ikhlas juga tidak akan diterima sehingga amal itu dikerjakan dengan ikhlas dan benar. Yang dimaksudkan dengan ikhlas ialah amal itu kerana Allah dan yang dimaksudkan dengan benar ialah amal itu di atas dasar sunnah". - Dinukil daripada kitab al-Masaa-il (Masalah-Masalah Agama), karya Abdul Hakim bin Amir Abdat, Darul Qalam, Jakarta 2002, jilid 2, ms. 258.
Betapa ramai umat Islam di seluruh pelosok dunia yang mengerjakan suatu amalan yang dianggap baik serta ikhlas kerana Allah. Namun, realitinya ia tidak menepati sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Oleh itu, sewajarnya dalam melaksanakan ibadah korban bersempena dengan perayaan Aidiladha ini, kita berusaha sedaya upaya mencontohi sunnah- sunnah Nabi seperti berikut:
Waktu pelaksanaan ibadah korban
Menyembelih binatang korban hanya boleh dilaksanakan setelah selesai solat hari raya Aidiladha dan berlanjutan sehingga akhir hari Tasyriq, iaitu tiga hari selepas solat hari raya Aidiladha. Oleh itu, penyembelihan haiwan korban boleh dilaksanakan pada 10, 11, 12 dan 13 Zulhijjah. Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Seluruh hari Tasyriq merupakan waktu penyembelihan". (riwayat Ahmad di dalam Musnadnya, no: 16151).
Haiwan korban tersebut tidak memiliki kecacatan
Kita hendaklah pastikan bahawa haiwan yang hendak kita korbankan tersebut adalah dari jenis baka yang baik serta tidak memiliki kecacatan seperti buta, tempang, kurus, tanduk patah, telinga terkoyak, lemah dan penyakit lain.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Empat jenis binatang yang tidak dibolehkan dalam ibadah korban: Buta sebelah matanya yang jelas butanya, sakit yang jelas sakitnya, tempang yang jelas bengkoknya, tidak berdaya berjalan dan yang tidak mempunyai lemak (kurus)". (riwayat Abu Daud di dalam Sunannya, no: 2420).
Tidak menggunting rambut dan memotong kuku
Bagi mereka yang ingin melaksanakan ibadah korban, dia tidak boleh menggunting rambut dan memotong kukunya semenjak tarikh 1 Zulhijjah sehingga dia melaksanakan ibadah korban tersebut.
Sabda Nabi SAW: Jika telah masuk 10 hari pertama bulan Zulhijjah dan salah seorang antara kamu semua ingin menyembelih korban, janganlah memotong rambut dan kukunya walau sedikit. (riwayat Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1977).
Larangan memotong rambut ini termasuk juga mencabut mahupun mencukur atau apa-apa cara yang boleh menghilangkan segala jenis rambut dan bulu di badan.
Menurut Imam al-Nawawi r.a: "Yang dimaksudkan dengan larangan memotong kuku dan rambut adalah larangan menghilangkan kuku dengan memotong, mencabut atau dengan cara lain (secara sengaja). Termasuk juga larangan menghilangkan rambut baik sama ada mencukur, memendek, mencabut, membakar, menggunakan sesuatu untuk menghilangkan rambut dan apa jua cara sama ada pada bulu ketiak, misai, bulu ari-ari, rambut atu bulu-bulu lain di bahagain anggota badan yang lain". (Rujuk Kitab Syarh Muslim karya Imam al-Nawawi, jil. 13, ms. 138-139. Dinukil dari kitab Ahkaam al-'Iedain fis Sunnah al-Muthaharah karya Syeikh 'Ali bin Hassan al-Halabi al-Atsari, Pustaka Imam asy-Syafie, Jakarta (2005), ms. 98).
Bagi mereka yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja memotong kuku ataupun rambut sebelum melaksanakan ibadah korban, memadai dia memohon keampunan kepada Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Dia tidak dikenakan fidyah (tebusan atau denda).
Seekor unta atau lembu boleh dibahagikan kepada tujuh bahagian
Jabir r.a berkata: Kami pernah menyembelih (haiwan korban) bersama Rasulullah ketika di Hudaibiyah. Seekor unta untuk tujuh orang dan menyembelih lembu untuk tujuh orang bersama-bersama Rasulullah SAW. (riwayat Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1318).
Boleh berkorban untuk diri sendiri serta ahli keluarganya
Seseorang dibenarkan berkorban serta berkongsi pahalanya bagi dirinya sendiri serta bagi pihak keluarganya sekalipun jumlah yang ramai dan hanya dengan seekor kambing atau sebahagian dari tujuh bahagian itu.
Atha' bin Yassar pernah bertanya kepada Abu Ayyub al-Ansori tentang cara berkorban pada zaman Rasulullah lalu Abu Ayyub menjawab: "Dulu seseorang berkorban seekor kambing untuk dirinya dan keluarganya lalu mereka memakannya dan membahagikannya kepada orang lain". (riwayat al-Tirmizi di dalam Sunannya, no: 1425).
Ibadah korban dilaksanakan di musolla
Menurut sunnah Nabi SAW solat sunat Aidiladha mahupun Aidilfitri dilaksanakan di musolla, tempat terbuka (seperti padang) sehingga khatib dapat melihat semua hadirin.
Dalil disunnahkan solat sunat hari raya di musolla adalah sebuah hadis daripada Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a, dia berkata: Pada hari Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha, Rasulullah keluar menuju musolla. Ketika itu yang pertama baginda lakukan adalah solat hari raya. (riwayat Imam al-Bukhari di dalam Shahihnya, no: 956).
Sunnah menyembelih sendiri haiwan korban
Sunnah dan afdal mereka yang ingin melaksanakan ibadah korban tersebut agar menyembelih haiwan korban dengan tangannya sendiri.
Anas r.a berkata: Nabi pernah berkorban dengan dua ekor kambing biri-biri yang bagus lagi bertanduk. Baginda menyembelih kedua-duanya dengan tangan baginda sendiri. (riwayat al-Bukhari di dalam Sahihnya, no: 5565).
Namun, dibolehkan juga bagi mereka yang ingin berkorban mewakilkan penyembelihan kepada orang Islam yang lain.
Menyembelih haiwan korban mengikut sunnah
Hendaklah menyembelih haiwan korban menggunakan objek yang tajam seperti pisau dan dilakukan dengan cepat agar haiwan tersebut mati dengan serta-merta.
Sebelum upacara menyembelih diadakan, baringkan haiwan korban tersebut pada sebelah sisi kirinya agar mudah memegang pisau dengan tangan kanan dan memegang atau menahan lehernya dengan tangan kiri. Ketika menyembelih hendaklah membaca Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Anas r.a berkata: Nabi SAW pernah berkorban dengan dua ekor kambing biri-biri yang bagus lagi bertanduk. Baginda menyembelih kedua-duanya dengan tangan baginda sendiri dengan menyebut nama Allah dan bertakbir seraya meletakkan kaki baginda pada lambung kedua-duanya. (riwayat al-Bukhari di dalam Sahihnya, no: 5565).
Ketika menyembelih kita hendaklah mengerat salur udara, kerongkong dan saluran darah leher haiwan tersebut tanpa mengerat gentian saraf di dalam tulang belakang. Darah dari anggota badan haiwan korban tersebut hendaklah dialirkan keluar sepenuhnya sebelum melapahnya.
Daging korban tersebut boleh dimakan, disedekah dan dihadiahkan
Sunnah bagi keluarga yang melakukan ibadah korban turut memakan sebahagian daging, menghadiahkan sebahagiannya kepada orang lain dan menyedekahkan sebahagian yang lain. Malah, mereka juga boleh menyimpan daging tersebut. Sabda Nabi SAW: Makan dan simpanlah serta sedekahkanlah (daging korban itu). (riwayat al-Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1971).
Tidak boleh mengupah tukang sembelih dengan daging korban
Menjadi lumrah bagi masjid-masjid di Malaysia memberi tukang sembelih daging korban tersebut sebagai upah bagi kerjanya. Perbuatan ini bertentangan dengan syarak dan dilarang keras oleh Rasulullah.
Upah kepada tukang sembelih hendaklah diberikan menggunakan harta sendiri dan bukannya dari hasil daging binatang korban itu.
Ali r.a berkata: Nabi SAW pernah menyuruhku menyempurnakan seekor unta milik baginda kemudian menyedekahkan daging, kulit dan pelindung yang dikenakannya serta aku juga tidak memberi apa pun kepada tukang sembelih tersebut. Dia berkata: Kami memberinya dengan harta kami sendiri. (riwayat Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1317).

The Wedding of The Year Photos


Yayasan Yusof's Wedding of the Year


The Wedding of the Year, the most auspicious event that will be cherished by Kak Hjh Rahmah and Bg Rosli, the marriage of their twins – Siti Fauziah and Muhammad Fauzi aka Pojot and Poji with Burn and Wie respectively. Congratulations! May Allah swt give His Rahmah and Baraqah to the Twins couples and blessed marriage that will last till end of time. To both, even though we were not physically with you all but, our prayers, mind and soul are always with you.

Congratulations also to Kak Hjh Rahmah and Bg Hj Rosli. All the sleepless night and months of preparation were finally paid off by the smooth and successful ceremony. The turn-out were great; the food were superb and the weather was very supportive, Alhamdullillah.
Not to mention the Yayasan Yusuf fraternity, in one way or another had made the ceremony more glamorous with their hospitality, ideas and hands in line with the theme color – Golden Wedding. As for us, we could only witness the memorable event with our hearts.

In Our Opinion: after 37 days in Alexandria


Genap hari tok, dah 37 hari kamek sekeluarga berada di bumi Mesir (bak kata Norlen) bumi para Nabi2. Dan, pada masa yang sama ditanah yang mana Qarun dimusnah oleh Allah swt, Firaun Ramsis II di tengelamkan dan di hina oleh Allah RabbulJalil dan banyak lagi cerita mengenai kesombongan, keangkuhan dan tamak haloba manusia dicatat untuk jadi pengajaran kita masa tok. Sebabyalah kita sik heran kenapa di bumi Mesir tok Allah swt mengutus sekurang2nya 4 Rasul dengan 3 kitab dan lebih dari 5 para Nabi untuk membimbing manusia yang sik pernah jerak dan degil! … hidup dengan bertuhankan harta dan kuasa!! Bak kata Masom, “jangan kita dilalaikan oleh harta…..kelak kita dimusnah oleh harta….” Kehidupan sik dapat di quantify atau di equate mathematically.. apa yang kita mesti carik ialah Keredhaan dan Keberkatan dari Allah swt dan berusaha untuk mempertingkatkan Iman (kelaklah tokay Jojo mengupas bab tok) kita dari masa ke semasa.
Kadang2 terlintas juak dalam fikiran kenapa perlu bekerja disitok where there are a lot things that I can do and need to be done back home?! Bukan senang bekerja dengan cdak arab tok, I think it is much easier berurusan dengan unta! On other aspect, kadang2 rasa terlalu berutang budi dengan orang – PETRONAS! So, jadi serbasalah!! Yalah…kadang2 terfikir nak pencen awal nulong adik-kakak or paling kurang pun nulong Poji jual roti or nulong Erol jual mee sapi lagi bagus !!………….Rezeki, ajal maut diTangan Allah swt. Kalau diikutkan perasaan, memang sik mauk nak pergi ctok tapi dah ngenang rezeki nemiak dan ‘hadiah’untuk Nana.. and definitely dengan izin Allah swt, alhamdullillah! Hopefully Allah swt sentiasa membetulkan niat kamek orang dan mempermudahkan urusan kamek orang dictok.
Masa tok masih gago nak ngencarik strategi dan cara untuk ‘berjuang’di ELNG. Kilang pun baruk masuk Operation phase, thus everything is still in a mess!Well…..di Mana bumi di pijak di sialah langit di junjung!
Bercerita pasal Mesir tok, ramei orang luar datang disitok kerana nak meliat pyramid – kubur-kubur manusia / raja (firaun) dan keluarga cdaknya. Malah ada setengah orang madah pyramid ialah tempat permujaan orang dolok! Sedih juak nengarlah! Sebab, kurang cerita atau kesan sejarah mengenai kebesaran Allah swt dan kemuliaan para Rasul Allah macam Nabi Yusuf as, Nabi Musa as, Nabi Harun as, Nabi Yakub as dan para Nabi2 dan anbiya’yang lain di cerita, diketengah dan masyhurkan di citok. Manusia mudah ditipu oleh kebendaan sampei sik nampak kebesaran Allah swt sebenar. Just imagine, maqam saidina Hussein pun makei cdak berkelahi?! Manusia in general, menilai kejayaan dalam bentuk kebendaan. Tapi, para sahabat mendapat kejayaan bukan setakat didunia malah diakhirat dan tingkatan iman sidaknya (manusia biasa macam kita tok) makin meningkat dari hari ke hari. Kita pernah nengar cerita, Nabi Musa as pernah berjalan didasar laut merah apabila Allah swt membelah laut merah menjadi 12 lorong untuk menyelemat Nabi Musa as dan pengikutnya dan menengelamkan Firaun Ramsis II. Dan, dizaman nabi, sahabat Nabi Muhammad saw, Saad Ibn Waqas dengan 2 rakaat solatul hajat dapat berjalan diatas air!! SubhanaAllah.
Walaumacamneipun, orang disitok bait2 dan kacak2 (bait lelaki atau perempuan). Crime rate pun rendah!
37 hari disitok, frankly speaking masih rindu juak dengan nasi lemak, keropok lekor dan nasi air Ganu ! CHOTE – semua kamek orang rindu dengan nya ! Bak kata Zailan, dah jauh baru berasa. Bak kata pepatah: tempat gugok lagik dikenang apatah lagik tempat bermanjak! Dah jauh macam tok, teringat peribahasa; hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, bagus lagik dinegeri sendiri. Genei nak molah, segala gerak geri kita dah diatur oleh Maha Pencipta, kita Cuma manusia yang lemah dan hamba padaNya.
Kita Cuma merancang, berusaha dan berharap pada Allah swt, dan segala keputusan di Tangan Allah Rabbul Jalil.
Dizaman junjungan besar kita Nabi Muhamad saw, salah seorang sahabatnya Ayub El Ansari mati-mati nak diam dengan Nabi, tapi Nabi Muhammad saw ngutus nya pergi Istanbul! Dengan izin Allah swt nya ninggal di Istanbul.
37 hari disitok, dah 37 tahun umur Nana dan 12 hari lagik, InsyaAllah Muhammad Fauzi dan Siti Fauziah akan menjadi suami dan isteri! Dan sik lamak lagik Mok Mah dan Mok Li cdaknya akan menimang cucu tahun depan. Semoga mendapat keredhaan dan keberkatan dari Allah swt dan menjadi isteri dan suami yang soleh dan solehah. Seterusnya, melahirkan generasi Nek Daok dan Nek Bol cdaknya yang ’bercahaya’ dan menjadi insan yang berguna disisi Allah swt.
Biarlah majlis ya kelak sesuai dengan temanya – emas - menjadi majlis yang bernilai diredhai Allah Rabbul Jalil, menjadi inspirasi pada masyarakat kita untuk lebih berusaha kearah kehidupan akhirat dan disertai para malaikat.
Walaupun Nek Bol, Nek Minah dan Nek Dawok cdak nya sik ada lagi didunia tok, tapi I believed that they will ‘watch’ the auspicious occasion from ‘far’. Macam ya juak kamek orang disitok (masa naip frasa tok, Usu Na cdaknya tengah teresak-resak nangis……!!), walaupun jauh dimata, tapi insyaAllah kamek akan meliat dengan hati dan sentiasa berdoa semoga semua kita sihat sejahtera dan sentiasa dalam keredhaan Allah swt. Mungkin sakit nak merik alasan : visa – work permit matters; sik ada lagik cuti; nemiak sekolah (kerana dah di’sponsor’ oleh PETRONAS), flight availabilities, etc. tapi hakikatnya, agak sukar untuk kamek orang balit untuk secara fizikal bersama kitak orang semua pada 17.12.2006.Yalah kehidupan – penuh dengan ujian – untuk orang yang faham dan beriman.



28.10.2006 was the last flight of the world class Malaysian Airline System or on short MAS to Cairo. The last historical flight that flown all us from KLIA to our second tour of duty a new venture in Egypt. We arrived at Cairo International airport at 11:35 local time and spent one night stay at Intercontinental Hotel at Nasr City. Commencing our route from Miri International airport, escorted by all the Yaaysan Yusuf family members, it was a very hectic and exhaustive trip. Fun for my kids, though, their first international outbound in MAS Business Class.The weather was welcoming but our mind and soul was still behind us. We came with one mission to learn and enhance our relationship with the Al-Mighty Allah swt. Alhamdullillah hiRabbil 'Alamin

Special Raya 2006


Eidul Fitri 2006 was so special for us all. As usual we celebrated it in our nostalgic Miri, was the launching pad of our departure for our next tour of duty – Egypt after we have landed safely from 5 years stint in Terengganu. Eidul Fitri itself is the celebration of those who had successfully won the greatest war of mankind – the battle against the ‘nafs’ or desire, tempt and greed during the holy month of Ramadhan which was mentioned by Rasullullah saw 1427 years ago
It was a mixed feeling though. Thus, the Eid was also a transition for us to acclimatize ourselves with the new venture of the historical land of the ‘anbiya’ – Egypt. During this transition we visited our brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends in Miri & Brunei seeking and begging for forgiveness prior to our farewell.

AnNabawi Masjid, Madinatul Munawarah - Part II


The amazing and magnificient view of the AnNabawi Masjid. These innovations remind us the importance of integrating engineering and technology with religious spiritual framework. Thus, explains why we should subscribe ourselves to the Islamic fundamentals.
The big ‘umbrellas’ located at the courtyard of the AnNabawi Masjid is the consequence of the integrated mindset and attitude of human being. It reflexes the greatness of the almighty Allah Rabul Jalil – for those who think.
During the ‘Yaumil Hisab’ - Day of Judgment and resurrection, we will be questioned by Allah swt on how did use our knowledge, time, wealth, etc. The world and all its content created by the almighty Allah azza wa jala have its own importance. It is just a matter for us to manage and consume them as directed by Allah swt demonstrated by His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad saw.

AnNabawi Masjid, Madinatul Munawarah - Part 1


Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Arabic: المسجد النبوي) or the Prophet's Masjid is a great Masjid in Medinah, Saudi Arabia. It stands on the site of a Masjid built by the Prophet Muhammad himself next to his house and contains his tomb. The Prophet's Masjid is the second holiest Masjid in the world after Masjidul Haram in Makkah.
The original Prophet's Masjid was built by the Prophet himself, next to the house where he settled after his Hijrah to Medina in 622 AD. It was an open-air building with a raised platform for the reading of the Qur'an.
A square enclosure of 30x35 meters, the Masjid was built with palm trunks and mud walls and accessed through three doors: Bab Rahmah to the south, Bab Jibril to the west and Bab al-Nisa' to the east. The basic plan of the building has since been adopted in the building of other Masjid throughout the world.
Inside, the Prophet created a shaded area to the south called the suffrah and aligned the prayer space facing north towards Jerusalem. When the qibla (prayer direction) was changed to Makkah, the Masjid was re-oriented to the south. The Masjid also served as a community center, a court, and a religious school. Seven years later (629 AD/7 AH), the Masjid was doubled in size to accommodate the increasing number of Muslims.
Subsequent Islamic rulers continued to enlarge and embellish the Prophet's Masjid over the centuries. In 707, Umayyad Caliph al-Walid (705-715) tore down the old structure and built a larger one in its place, incorporating the house and tomb of the Prophet.
This Masjid was 84 by 100 meters in size, with stone foundations and a teak roof supported on stone columns. The Masjid walls were decorated with mosaics by Coptic and Greek craftsmen, similar to those seen in the Umayyad Masjid in Damascus and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (built by the same caliph). The courtyard was surrounded by a gallery on four sides, with four minarets on its corners. A mihrab topped by a small dome was built on the qibla wall.
Abbasid Caliph al-Mahdi (775-785) destroyed the northern section of al-Walid's Masjid between 778 and 781 to enlarge it further. He also added 20 doors to the Masjid: eight on each of the east and west walls, and four on the north wall.
During the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Qala'un, a dome was erected above the house and tomb of the Prophet and an ablution fountain was built outside of Bab al-Salam. Sultan Nasir bin Muhammad bin Qala'un rebuilt the fourth minaret that had been destroyed earlier. After a lightning strike destroyed much of the Masjid in 1481, Sultan Qaytbay rebuilt the east, west and qibla walls.
The Ottoman sultans who controlled Medina from 1517 until World War I also made their mark. Sultan Suleyman I (1520-1566) rebuilt the western and eastern walls of the Masjid and built the northeastern minaret known as al-Suleymaniyya. He added a new mihrab (al-Ahnaf) next to the Prophet's mihrab (al-Shafi'iyyah) and placed a new dome covered in lead sheets and painted green above the Prophet's house and tomb.
During the reign of Ottoman Sultan Abdulmecid I (1839-1861), the Masjid was entirely remodeled with the exception of the Prophet's Tomb, the three mihrabs, the minbar and the Suleymaniyya minaret. The precinct was enlarged to include an ablution area to the north. The prayer hall to the south was doubled in width and covered with small domes equal in size except for domes covering the mihrab area, Bab al-Salam and the Prophet's Tomb.
After the foundation of the Saudi Kingdom of Arabia in 1932, the Masjid of the Prophet underwent several major modifications. In 1951 King Abdul Aziz (1932-1953) ordered demolitions around the Masjid to make way for new wings to the east and west of the prayer hall, which consisted of concrete columns with pointed arches. Older columns were reinforced with concrete and braced with copper rings at the top. The Suleymaniyya and Majidiyya minarets were replaced by two minarets in Mamluk revival style. Two additional minarets were erected to the northeast and northwest of the Masjid. A library was built along the western wall to house historic Qurans and other religious texts.
In 1973 Saudi King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz ordered the construction of temporary shelters to the west of the Masjid to accommodate the growing number of worshippers in 1981, the old Masjid was surrounded by new prayer areas on these sides, enlarging five times its size. The latest renovations took place under King Fahd and have greatly increased the size of the Masjid, allowing it to hold a large number of worshippers and pilgrims and adding modern comforts like air conditioning.
As it stands today, the Prophet's Masjid has a rectangular plan on two floors with the Ottoman prayer hall projecting to the south. The main prayer hall occupies the entire first floor. The Masjid enclosure is 100 times bigger than the first Masjid built by the Prophet and can accommodate more than half a million worshippers.
The Prophet's Masjid has a flat paved roof topped with 24 domes on square bases. Holes pierced into the base of each dome illuminate the interior. The roof is also used for prayer during peak times, when the 24 domes slide out on metal tracks to shade areas of the roof, creating light wells for the prayer hall. At these times, the courtyard of the Ottoman Masjid is also shaded with umbrellas affixed to freestanding columns. The roof is accessed by stairs and escalators. The paved area around the Masjid is also used for prayer, equipped with umbrella tents.
The north façade has three evenly spaced porticos, while the east, west and south façades have two. The walls are composed of a series of windows topped by pointed arches with black and white voussoirs. There are six peripheral minarets attached to the new extension, and four others frame the Ottoman structure. The Masjid is lavishly decorated with polychrome marble and stones. The columns are of white marble with brass capitals supporting slightly pointed arches, built of black and white stones. The column pedestals have ventilation grills that regulate the temperature inside the prayer hall.
This shiny new Prophet's Masjid contains the older Masjid within it. The two sections can be easily distinguished: the older section has many colorful decorations and numerous small pillars; the new section is in gleaming white marble and is completely air-conditioned.
The most notable feature of the Prophet's Masjid is the green Dome of the Prophet, which rises higher amongst the sea of white domes. This is where the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad saw is located; early Muslim leaders Abu Bakar ra and Umar ibn al-Khattab ra are buried in an adjacent area as well.
At the heart of the Masjid is a small area called ar-Rawdah an-Nabawiyah (Arabic: الروضة النبوية), which extends from the tomb of the Prophet to his pulpit. All pilgrims attempt to visit and pray in ar-Rawdah, for there is a tradition that supplications and prayers uttered here are never rejected. Entrance into ar-Rawdah is not always possible (especially during the Hajj), as the tiny area can accommodate only a few hundred people. Ar-Rawdah has two small gateways manned by Saudi soldiers charged with preventing overcrowding in the tiny area. The green fence at the tomb of Muhammad is guarded by Wahhabi volunteers, who prevent pilgrims from touching the fence, which the Wahhabis regard as idolatry. The structure called Muhammad's pulpit is similarly guarded. The current marble pulpit was constructed by the Ottomans; the original was much smaller and made of palm tree wood.

Masjidul Haram, Makkatul Muqarramah


Al-Masjid al-Haram ("The Holy Masjid"; also known as al-Haram Masjid, Haram al-Sharif, Masjid al-Sharif and the Haram) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, is the holiest Masjid in the world and the primary destination of the Hajj pilgrimage.
The Masjid complex covers an area of 356,800 square meters and can accommodate up to 820,000 worshippers during the Hajj. The Holy Masjid is the only Masjid that has no qibla direction, since Muslims pray facing the Ka'bah in the central courtyard.
The Haram was built in the 7th century and has been modified, rebuilt, and expanded on a regular basis ever since. Major expansions took place in the 1980s and further work is going on today.
The beginnings of the Holy Masjid were established under Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644). The caliph ordered the demolition of houses surrounding the Ka'bah in order to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims, then built a 1.5-meter high wall to form an outdoor prayer area around the shrine. During the reign of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan (644-656), the prayer area was enlarged and covered with a simple roof supported by wooden columns and arches.
In 692, after Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan conquered Makkah from Ibn Zubayr, the building was enlarged and embellished: the outer walls were raised, the ceiling was covered with teak and the capitals were painted in gold. The caliph's son al-Walid (705-715) replaced the wooden columns with marble ones and decorated its arches with mosaics. Abbasid Caliph Abu Ja'far al-Mansur (754-775) added mosaics to the columns, doubled the size of the northern and western wings of the prayer hall and erected the minaret of Bab al-Umra on the northwest corner. In 777, a major rebuild took place under Abbasid Caliph al-Mahdi (775-785) to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims. The existing Masjid was demolished along with more houses in the area and a new Masjid was constructed in its place. Measuring 196 by 142 meters, it was built on a grid plan with marble columns from Egypt and Syria decorated with gilt teak wooden inlay. Al-Mahdi's Masjid also included three minarets, placed above Bab al-Salam, Bab Ali and Bab al-Wadi.
In 1399, the northern part of the Masjid was severely damaged by fire and the remaining sections suffered from water damage. The Masjid was subsequently rebuilt by Mamluk Sultan Nasir Faraj bin Barquq (1399-1405). The damaged marble columns were replaced with stone columns quarried from the nearby Hijaz region and the roof was patched with local wood from the Ta'if Mountains.
In 1571, Ottoman Sultan Selim II (1566-1574) commissioned the court architect Sinan to renovate the Holy Masjid. It is from this renovation that the present building mostly dates. Sinan replaced the flat roof of the prayer hall with domes, supported by the addition of new columns from the nearby Shams Mountains. The interior of the domes were decorated with gilded calligraphy.Due to damaging rains in 1611, the Masjid was once again restored under Sultan Murad IV (1623-1640) in 1629. It received a new stone arcade with slender columns and inscriptive medallions between the arches. The floor tiles around the Ka'bah were replaced with new colored marble tiles and the Masjid was given seven minarets.
Between 1955 and 1973, King Abdul Aziz (1932-1953) commissioned the first of many extensions under the Saudi kings. As part of the renovations, the Mas'a gallery connecting the Rock of al-Safa' with al-Marwah was extended to reach the Masjid. The two-story extension was built of reinforced concrete arches clad in carved marble and artificial stone, which communicates with the street and the Masjid via eleven doors.
A major extension sponsored by King Fahd (1982- 1988) consisted of a new wing and an outdoor prayer area on the southeast side of the Masjid. In the two-story wing, air conditioning circulates below the tiled floors and is supplied through ventilation grids located at the base of each column. The facade of the extension blends in with the previous constructions, with gray marble facing from the Fatimah Mountains and carved white marble bands.
The third Saudi extension (1988-2005) saw the building of further minarets, the erecting of a King’s residence overlooking the Masjid and further prayer area in and around the Masjid itself. These developments have taken place simaltenously with those in Arafat, Mina and Muzdalifah. This third extension has also resulted in 18 more gates been built, three domes corresponding in position to each gate and the installation of nearly 500 marble columns.
The monumental King Fahd Gate consists of three arches with black and white voussoirs and carved white marble decoration, flanked by two new minarets matching the older ones. The windows are covered with brass mashrabiyya and framed with carved bands of white marble. The minor gates have green-tiled sloped canopies.
Modern but essentially non-architectural developments have been the addition of heated floors, air conditioning, escalators, and a drainage system.
The death of King Fahd means that the Masjid is now undergoing a fourth extension, which began in 2007 and is projected to last until 2020. King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz plans to increase the capacity of the Masjid by 35% from its current maximum capacity of 800,000 with 1,120,000 outside the Masjid itself.

Those Who Had Lost Their Minds


Syed Hussein Al Attas is one of my favourites author. His many provocative but educative books about Malaysians politics had lured me to buy this title Mereka Yang Hilang Akal or literally means Those Who had lost thier Minds.

Segamat and Our Entrepreneurship


Segamat is a town and district located in the north of the state of Johor in Malaysia, bordering two other states of Malaysia (Negeri Sembilan on the west and Pahang on the north). It is located roughly 172 kilometers from Johor Bahru, the capital city of Johor State.
According to a local historian, Hassan bin Muhammad, the area used to be known as Rantau Panjang. In around 1511, a Bendahara (Prime Minister) of Melaka (Malacca), Bendahara Tepok and his troops were retreating to Johor after the fall of Melaka to the invading Portuguese forces led by Alfonso de Albuquerque. The Bendahara and his troops stopped and rested by a river in the area and drank water from the river. After the drink, the Bendahara exclaimed, "Segar amat!", or "Very refreshing!" in Malay, and named the river Segar Amat, which over time evolved into Segamat. However, initially the name Segamat only applied to the river. The settlement which later became Segamat was originally called Rantau Panjang. The town assumed the river's name only at the turn of the 20th century.
Segamat is very synonym with its textiles stories. In sync with our pastime activity inherited from our Yayasan Yusuf’s belated chief, thus we came to Segamat for only one reason - the textiles consignment. Playing small scale though, but the margin was quite promising which encouraged the entrepreneurship. We got our supply from Jakel Trading who is the main distributor of textiles material based in Segamat, subsequently distributed them to Bintulu and Miri through our Yayasan Yusuf representatives.
After a long hectic and to certain extend for the kids, a boredom trip, we pampered our hunger and appetite with the famous Johorian Beriayani Gam – a mixed colored rice cooked with ghee together with chicken, lamb or cow meat at Wahlia Restaurant, Segamat. The luscious Beriyani Gam was really value for money; the beverages were very dousing and above all, the hospitality was awesome.

The PASB Memoir: NPC Productivity Award


The National Productivity Council (NPC) Prodductivity Award marked another milestone achieved by PASB in its quality journey so as in achieving its vision to become a world class company of choice. The award giving ceremony was held at Sheraton Subang.

Happy Labour Day


To all our friends and people of the world...., we would like to wish you all happy labour day. Let us all unite to make our mother earth forever green, safe and a peaceful place for our future generations to live. May Allah swt bless you all. From Ganu with love.

The PASB Memoir: Accredited to ISO 14001


Tadika Yayasan Terengganu Sports Day: Afiqah Chapter


This was the placed where she started her school life - the Tadika Yayasan Terengganu, Kemaman, situated at Lot 144, Gong Limau, Chukai, Kemaman which is just 10 meters away from our house. Thanks to the Teachers and those involved in her pre-school life.
Afiqah with her exciting energetic mood marched all the way to the sports field.

Salam Maulidur Rasul dari Ganu


Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan kepada semua muslimin-muslimat selamat menyambut hari kelahiran nabi besar kita Nabi Muhammad saw. Semoga kita sama-sama dapat mengingati pengorbanan junjungan Nabi kita serta para sahabat baginda 1427 tahun yang lampau. Maaf zahir dan bathin. Posted by Picasa

Cosmo Culture Sdn Bhd


Our new business outlet as part of our diversification strategy. Very optimistic with the market, we have no doubt M-Mobile handphones will capture 20% of the market in Sarawak. To learn more please visit this website : http://www.mmobile.com.my and http://www.vccom.com.my.

Uzbek Technology Local Resources - DRN Glokal


This is one of the mosque that we ever built using local and foreign technologies & experties. As part of our move to become global player in 2010, we have explored and ventured in several countries like Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Brunei, etc. In fact, we have been engaging Uzbek technology for our interior-fit out division since 1999. In Malaysia, we have several experience & reliable partners and also suppliers.
Thus, please do not hesitate to contact us at 012-921 5298 or email us at hjjoll64@yahoo.com Posted by Picasa